Halfway There

I went ahead and signed up for NaNoWriMo and instantly regretted it.

Here I am with no discernible novel project and a paltry word count built from a writing prompt — I’m halfway to nothing. But the only thing I feel bad about is making a public commitment. And I don’t feel all that bad about that.

Don’t get me wrong, NaNoWriMo is a great motivator for many writers, just not this writer. Historically, I’ve just had too much going on in November. It’s a common excuse, I know, but one I will hang my hat on yet again. The first time I quit NaNo was the first year I attempted it back in like 2013, and boy did I feel like garbage for doing so. I’ve matured since then.

This year I knew I couldn’t do it, and I was pretty confident that I didn’t want to do it. But I signed up anyway in an attempt to be my own superhero.


NaNoWriMo is my antigen.

I don’t need to prove to myself that I can best NaNo. I’m awesome at so many other things.

Moving on…

Auditions for my play were this past weekend and we start rehearsals soon. Everyone meets tomorrow night, but I’m still revising my script. Time to charge up those super powers and crush this deadline!

Challenges don’t scare me so much anymore. I know I can buckle down and get my to-do list cleared, still, I refuse to feel bad about NaNo.

My goals haven’t changed. I’m halfway there. Writing on the Wall auditions were so good! It took everything in me not to cry my eyes out while watching so many talented actors embody my words. I hate that everyone who auditioned couldn’t be in the show, but we got the best people who will work their tails off for this production.


The team has been assembled and rehearsals start this week, so we’re halfway there. Evidence of our hard work will be revealed on January 5, 2018. It’s surreal, ya know, that dreams I had as a teenager are coming true as I approach another birthday. These ideas and passions that formed half a lifetime ago have never left me.

Every end is the beginning of something else. Find the positives and illuminate them. Let your dreams guide you.

Blessings, y’all.