Writing on the Wall Opens Jan 12, 2018!

Writing on the Wall POSTER v1 NEW DATES

It has taken years of struggle to bring this story to some sort of completion;  for me as a creative, Writing on the Wall isn’t complete in this form, either, but it’s in a good place.  It’s in a place were dreams are realized and futures begin. Not just for me, but many of the cast are having their literal moment in the spotlight with the opening of the show.

I am so proud of the work everyone has done and humbled by the enthusiasm the actors have shown my work. They’ve made the words I could never decide were dross or gold pulsate with life on each syllable uttered.

Although a pipe burst and damaged the theater Christmas week, the show must go on. We delayed the January 5, 2018 opening by seven days, but we’ll have a rehabbed backstage and restrooms, and additional rehearsal time before we open on Friday, Jan 12. This will be a great show and one I hope to expand and share with a wider audience in the near future.

Keep dreaming and doing, and you’ll get there. I believe in you.


Blessings, y’all!

McKay Arts Presents:


Written by Daphne Watson and directed by Antoine McKay

Friday and Saturday January 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 and 27 at 8 pm. Sunday January 14, 21 and 28 at 6 pm.

McKaw Theatre 1439 W Jarvis, Chicago, IL 60626

*Present your press credentials at the box office for a complimentary ticket.*

When a desperate and depressed young man scribbles “My best friend died when I was eight, and I’ve been trying to join her ever since” onto the wall of Entre Nous, he doesn’t expect his words to matter to anyone, least of all a stranger. Burdened by a past he can’t move on from and fearful of a future he hasn’t designed, Julian sees only one solution.

Writing on the Wall is a transformative play delivered in poetry and prose by a talented cast who do not shy away from hard, and oftentimes uncomfortable, themes.

Andrea Adams (Bernadette)
Chris Clark (Julian)
LaShunda Clark (Sonia)
Josh Flanders (Randall)
Sarah Mobley (Vita)
Nicola Rinow (Genevieve)
Halley Sharp (Tristan)
Understudies: Donna Eggleston, Bob Kostopoulos (performing the 1/12/18 show) and Rebecca McKay

Halfway There

I went ahead and signed up for NaNoWriMo and instantly regretted it.

Here I am with no discernible novel project and a paltry word count built from a writing prompt — I’m halfway to nothing. But the only thing I feel bad about is making a public commitment. And I don’t feel all that bad about that.

Don’t get me wrong, NaNoWriMo is a great motivator for many writers, just not this writer. Historically, I’ve just had too much going on in November. It’s a common excuse, I know, but one I will hang my hat on yet again. The first time I quit NaNo was the first year I attempted it back in like 2013, and boy did I feel like garbage for doing so. I’ve matured since then.

This year I knew I couldn’t do it, and I was pretty confident that I didn’t want to do it. But I signed up anyway in an attempt to be my own superhero.


NaNoWriMo is my antigen.

I don’t need to prove to myself that I can best NaNo. I’m awesome at so many other things.

Moving on…

Auditions for my play were this past weekend and we start rehearsals soon. Everyone meets tomorrow night, but I’m still revising my script. Time to charge up those super powers and crush this deadline!

Challenges don’t scare me so much anymore. I know I can buckle down and get my to-do list cleared, still, I refuse to feel bad about NaNo.

My goals haven’t changed. I’m halfway there. Writing on the Wall auditions were so good! It took everything in me not to cry my eyes out while watching so many talented actors embody my words. I hate that everyone who auditioned couldn’t be in the show, but we got the best people who will work their tails off for this production.


The team has been assembled and rehearsals start this week, so we’re halfway there. Evidence of our hard work will be revealed on January 5, 2018. It’s surreal, ya know, that dreams I had as a teenager are coming true as I approach another birthday. These ideas and passions that formed half a lifetime ago have never left me.

Every end is the beginning of something else. Find the positives and illuminate them. Let your dreams guide you.

Blessings, y’all.

Hide Not Your Talents…

“Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What is a sundial in the shade?” Benjamin Franklin

What I can say is, Destiny called, and I was more than eager to answer. When you put the desires of your heart out there in the Universe, don’t be surprised when you get just what you’ve asked for.

For me, Destiny came calling at the same time as resignation. I had tentatively accepted a second-shift office manager job but my savings account wouldn’t allow me to wait until the company was ready for me, so I signed up for temp assignment. Anyway, around that same time, a fella I casually knew posted on SM that he needed an intern to help him manage his theater and an upcoming production.

Well, I had been dragging my feet for a year…A YEAR! instead of reaching out to him for advice on breaking into theatrical work, so when this opportunity presented itself, I added myself to the conversation before I could chicken out.

Here we are three months later.

Back in January I announced that 2017 was going to bow down and submit to my ambition, beginning with publishing a novella I had been futzing with for years.

Well, the self-imposed deadline came and went, but 2017 ain’t over yet. Writing on the Wall is now a play and will open January 2018. giphy

I’m pretty chuffed, but at the same time this opportunity is one I’ve been preparing for for years. There had been doubts and misgivings and all sorts of anguish surrounding this project. I thought the resistance to finish this was because I didn’t have the skill or experience necessary to deliver the story.

In June I went to a writers conference and met with an editor who confirmed the voice in my head: you need a film/TV agent because your stories aren’t right for print.

Well, I don’t have an agent (yet), but in a matter of hours I’ll be in the room with agents and publicists and journalists for stage and screen who have come for the show I’ve been assisting with, and I don’t doubt I’ll be pitching my own ideas as well.

I’ve said yes to too many things and people who weren’t in-line with my goals. It’s high time I said yes to my own dreams and spend my creative energies on my-own-damn-self. And you know what? I don’t have the slightest flutter of nerves. This is what I’ve been studying for. This is what I’ve spent thousands of hours writing and rewriting for. This moment is a culmination of training and sacrifice. It’s up to me to sustain my previous habits and adapt them to my new arena.

My prayers are being answered, and I have taken Destiny’s hand. All I had to do was say Yes.



May your hard work place you in the path of blessings so that you are prepared to receive them too.

If you’re in or around Chicago, come say hi and maybe check out The Indescribable Gift. Tickets are at www.mckayarts.net

Blessings, y’all!

I am Not Throwing Away My Shot

So… I saw Hamilton.

Love is kind of weak a term to ascribe to my feelings for last Tuesday night’s Chicago performance. **I’ve been MIA due to family being in town for a funeral, in case you were wondering… You can breathe now.

My kids had been sending me YouTube clips of Epic epic-rap-battlesRap Battles with Obama vs Romney and Einstein vs Hawking and Newton vs Nye for a long time. Like years. And they are crazy fun!

But one day my oldest sent me a song that she said was her new favorite, furthermore, she said she’d been playing the soundtrack on repeat for days. As a parent, I think it’s a rare gift when your college kid shares something they love with you, so I paid attention. When she told me I’d love the album, I didn’t doubt her assessment. I want to enjoy the things my kids enjoy, at the very least, I want to understand what they’re so excited about. For Hamilton, after I struggled through the first song, I ‘got’ the style of the show. And she was right. I loved it.

We’d been listening to the show for over a year when we heard Hamilton was coming to the Chi for an extended run, so we waited for tickets to go on sale. Price point? Ridiculous. And the show was sold out for about six months almost immediately. THEN!  A same-day lottery was set up for folks to see the show for $10 a ticket. Cool beans, right?

Well, I have entered that contest almost every day for nearly four months, my heart sinking with every “Daphne, unfortunately…” message. Then last Tuesday, when I was fighting a stomach bug instead of working my church’s food pantry while trying to clean my house and wrap my mind around a close death in the family and all the stress of that, I entered the daily drawing knowing I wouldn’t win…again.

A few hours later my email pinged, and there was my name again in the email body from Broadway Direct Lottery, but ‘unfortunately’ didn’t follow. I’d won! I almost wrecked my car when I tried to pull back into traffic after sending my husband an all-caps text. Tears pricked my eyes, oxygen struggled to reach my brain. I was pretty close to passing out from the news.

After I composed myself and got to my destination, I called and texted and called and texted my daughter since she was the one who turned me on to the show in the first place. Well, I caught up with her, and we had an amazing night. The show was just…beyond words (and just the distraction we needed from all the funeral business). I didn’t have any real concept of how the set would look, but I’d absorbed the Broadway soundtrack, and just wasn’t sure how a Chicago company could measure up.private-bank-theatre-hamilton

Somebody should have told me to shut up and quit fronting like I knew what the heck I was even talking about. The Chicago cast is, in my not-so-professional opinion as good, and in some cases, better than the original Broadway cast that I listened to. I thought Miguel Cervantes’s turn as Alexander Hamilton was vocally stronger than Manuel’s recording. But adding to the strong performances, the physicality, the send up to ’80s and ’90s hip-hop culture, the call-and-response vibe of the script, and the genuine enthusiasm the cast seemed to radiate about the show made the production utterly smile-inducing and howl-worthy. They were speaking my language, and — OMG — Chris De’Sean Lee might just be my new favorite person. First, he was suave and cocksure as Lafayette, but his performance as a c-walking Thomas Jefferson had me nearly falling out of my seat every time. Not to mention Alexander Gemingnai as King George. Lawd! I could have listened to that cat roll his R’s all night. He played the crowd all the way to the back row (where I was sitting). His time on tnevergonbepresidentnowhe stage was just too short. But my favorite-favorite-favorite part was how they all clowned Hamilton in the “Never Gon’ Be President Now” scene. I might have peed a little from laughing so hard at King George. But I was also digging the dirty South beats that had me unable to sit still. And Angelica, DAYUM. That girl can sang. Karen Olivio and Air Afsar sound so much like the soundtrack/original cast. I cannot say it enough: talent just poured off the stage.

Deep. Poetic. Hilarious. Velvety.  Bombastic. Addictive. Hamilton left me in awe. The stage was simple but genius, the ensemble cast was efficient and more than capable of handling the multiple hats they must wear. Sure, I was geeked to see Wayne Brady as Aaron Burr, sir. His acting prowess and vocal range totally shut my mouth about his sometimes hokey Whose Line is it Anyway days with this performance, although I did leave the theater saying “Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?” (min 2:23) for some reason.

As a creative, consuming art is vital to our existence. Create like you’re running out of time. Don’t throw away your shot to light a spark — you just might ignite a revolution.

Blessings, y’all.